Dream Academy Symposium
with Geir Tore Holm, Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Gatari Surya Kusuma, Lisa Nyberg, and Åsa Sonjasdotter.

Friday 30 August, 6 - 10 pm
Saturday 31 August, 10 am - 6.30 pm & 8 - 11 pm
Sunday 1 September, 10 am - 1 pm
Free entry - open to all
Language: English
There will be food served during the program
Welcome to the Dream Academy's autumn symposium. The program runs over three days and consists of practical and social workshops, alongside presentations and conversations. In the Body & Kitchen workshop with Geir Tore Holm, we cook and eat and reflect on the cultural, economic and social dimensions of food. There will also be guest appearances with lectures on potatoes and seaweed by Åsa Sonjasdotter and Gatari Surya Kusuma, as well as a surprise or two. In the workshop Dreaming a future without guarantees with Lisa Nyberg, we explore how we can listen to our nightmares and create art that touches a future we dare not dream about, and Dear Teacher / Dear Colleague with Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld decenters the idea of the artist as “autonomous” liberal subject - and explore ways of working together through materials we engage. You can bring your own materials or find materials during the workshop. Detailed program below.
The symposium is open to everyone, and you do not have to commit to participating in the entire program. At the same time, we would like to emphasize that you get the most benefit if you can participate on all three days, as some of the activities extend over the whole weekend. On Thursday 28 August at 4-8 pm we will take a trip to Goahteluokta/Tønsvik and harvest plants for cooking on the shore and in the forest. If you want to participate, send an email to dreamacademytromso@gmail.com so that we can arrange transport.
18:00 Kurant’s exhibition opening Rental Unit Reimagined with Maija Liisa Björklund, Lea Joakim Hansen Svendby, Mathilde Stubmark, André Enger Aas, Jette Graaner, Marie Saure and Graeme Arnfield in Grønnegata 140. Read more here
19:30 At Romssa Dáiddasiida - Tromsø Kunstforening in Mellomvegen 82: Dreaming a future without guarantees with Lisa Nyberg, part 1
20:30 Fish meal with Body and Kitchen by Geir Tore Holm
10:00 Breakfast with Body & Kitchen
11:00 Mini seminar about everyday life as an artist led by Lisa Nyberg
12:00 Lunch lecture on seaweed with Gatari Surya Kusuma
13:00-15:00 Dear Teacher / Dear Colleague - Collective material workshop with Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld
You can bring your own material or find it during the workshop
15:15 - 17:30 Dinner seminar with Body & Kitchen
- Conversation about Sami food
- Åsa Sonjasdotter about potatoes
17:30 - 20:00 Break
20:00 DJ Hasto
10:00 Breakfast and part 2 of Dreaming a future without guarantees with Lisa Nyberg
11:45 - 13:00 Collective rest and reading session
The Dream Academy publication explores art education policy in Northern Norway, with the establishment of the Art Academy in Tromsø in 2007 as a pivot point. The book documents how the self-organized art field in Northern Norway and Sápmi worked to establish art education in the region from the 1970s onwards, and which dreams formed the basis for the establishment of the Art Academy in Tromsø in 2007. The Dream Academy now looks forward, and explores the possibilities for self-organised art education in Tromsø, by asking fundamental questions about what art education is, and what functions such education can fulfill today. The Dream Academy builds on the premise that art education is a form of lifelong learning where artistic practice, theoretical reflection and everyday life meet.
The Dream Academy is generously supported by Fritt Ord, Arts Council Norway, Tromsø municipality and KORO
Tromsø Kunstforening - Romssa Dáiddasiida
Mellomvegen 82
Free entry - open to all