27.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

Thinking with Peatlands Symposium

Friday 27.9 17:00 - 21:00 at TKF
Saturday 28.9 10:00 - 17:00 field trip to Rávdnjevággi/Finnheia
Saturday 28 September 19:00 - 21:00 at TKF
Sunday 29.9 10:00 - 16:00 at Isrenna and TKF

Locally anchored in Rávdnjevággi/Finnheia, Isrenna and Hvilhaug (Romssa Dáiddasiida - Tromsø Kunstforening), culture, geography, history and natural science will interweave with art practices and environmental engagement. Throughout three days the Mire will be a common starting point and a meeting place where we will share, investigate and learn together with invited contributors and participants from near and far. The symposium will take shape as field walks on the mires, sound, listening, presentations, film screenings, conversations and more.

Thinking with Peatlands is the third part of the overall project Down in the Bog - Thinking with Peatlands. This project consists of three chapters where the process based exhibitions Hibernation and Sporulation were following the seasons from a snow covered Romsa/Tromsø to summer and autumn in Tallinn, Estonia. Practically and conceptually the topic of peatlands act as a guiding map and a compass, to learn about both historical, cultural and contemporary changes in the environments around us. The project is curated by Karolin Tampere, the symposium in collaboration with Camilla Fagerli.

Like the slow growth of new peat forming, we are currently composing the program which layer by layer will become the symposium. The details for the program will be published no later than September 13.In order to be able to organize in the best possible way, we require registration. The registration form and some more information can be found in the link below.


Tromsø Kunstforening - Romssa Dáiddasiida, Mellomvegen 82, Rávdnjevággi/Finnheia and Isrenna


Free entry

Registration required, find form here

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